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A group Breathwork session can be offered in person or online. Jay teaches at various studios throughout the Los Angeles area on a weekly basis, and also regularly in Canada. 

Groups are also a wonderful way to connect and bond with other like-minded people who are passionate about self-help, and personal growth.

What happens in a group session?

In a group session, each participant has their own, very unique experience. Jay will have you set an intention at the beginning of the class and will guide you through a powerful, and life-changing session that is done to music. Most often, people lie on yoga mats, and have small pillows, blankets, and an eye pillow for privacy.

Many people feel motivated and inspired in a group setting and often the energy of the group takes people on a deep, healing journey that will permanently shift them for the better.

What are the benefits of Breathwork?

Breathwork has so many benefits and it can be difficult to put into words the magic that occurs
during a group or private breath session. Some of the numerous benefits include:

  - Detox the body, helping bring in more alkalinity, offsetting acidity.
  - Assist in proper digestion
  - Feeding oxygen to the blood, muscles, organs, and brain
  - Increases physical energy and stamina
  - Boost immunity
  - Improve brain function including memory

  - Release stored up anger, anxiety, depression, and other heavy emotions
  - Releases Oxytocin, the “feel good hormone”
  - Shift into a deeper level of love and forgiveness for yourself and others
  - Let go of past hurts and painful childhood memories

  - Release and heal heaviness from family and ancestral ties
  - Get re-inspired and connect with your inner creativity and bliss
  - Surrender to what is and allow more abundance, flow, and ease
  - Opening and balancing of the chakras

How long does the session last?

What's the energy exchange?

Between USD 22 to USD 45 per person 

Group classes are 60 minutes long.

Brian K.

"WOW! I don't know where to begin. Stress is gone. Sciatic pain is gone. Tension is gone. Toxins/Poisons that I literally have been feeling in my body for months - GONE.

Calmness is back. I feel abundantly peaceful now and incredibly happy.

I thought I was truly happy before, again I say WOW!

It's nearly impossible to describe, but if I were to summarize it in one word, that word would be: LIBERATED!"


Jessica – Lawyer

"I truly feel as if you’ve helped change my life for the better. I struggle with some
emotional disorders and have been having a hard time overcoming fear, anxiety and
depression. After I left your class, I felt a giant wave of love rushing through my body."

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Tel: +1 (323) 474-8484

Palm Springs, CA

Tel: 123 - 456 - 7890

Fax: 123 - 456 - 7890

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